

Premium Member
Hey everyone,
Does anyone have any experience with purchasing the SPS frag packs from reefermadness? I came across these the other day, and was thinking of purchasing the pack?
I've never ordered personally from reefermadness. One thing I have heard people say is that a lot of their frags are "bag frags" - branches that broke off wild colonies in shipment. If that's the case, your success rate may be a bit lower than tank raised frags. Not saying there's anything wrong with what they're doing, it's just that shipping stress combined with acclimating to captivity tends to lead to higher losses, IME.

I did buy a frag pack once from another online vendor. The acros were all fresh cut and unmouted. Only one acro (out of 10) lasted more than 2 days. That kind of result soured me on the idea of shipped frag packs. After that, I started buying/trading locally, and I've had much better success.
I've seen Rogger get stuff from them. It looked great, and as far as I've heard it all did well, but I'll let him answer for sure. They were also colonies, not frags, however I believe there were extra frags included.

I have seen Reefermadness get lots of good feedback on the forums though.
The other thing to consider is the difference between "you pick" and "they pick" packs. If they pick, I wouldn't expect to get but 10-20% really nice corals, a couple of average, and a couple of "blah" corals. Picking your own is probably worth the extra cost, IMO.

btw, Manny has also ordered colonies from RM.
I have heard great things about them. The only bad thing is that all the corals are taken under 1000w 20k metal halides from top down pictures and photoshoped a little. I don't think any coral you buy from them will look the same when you get it, even with 400w 20ks and perfect everything. imo

I've used them in the past and agree 100% ith Jeffbrig most are wild fags.

As far as the colonies I've also ordered from them and have had about 50/50 survival rate wich is pretty much standrad for wild acros.

I rather support the LFS locally than spend some money elsewhere since I'm spending it anyways.

Matt they do look very similar the most out of any internet vendor IME..

I truly believe that local stores are the way to go as well as frag trade-but certainly besides crf and Rl there's no other place to get show size colonies locally.
Reefer is great but you have to understand 99% of their stuff is wild and you proboably wont keep the original color in your tank... and yes almost all their frags are branches from wild colonies that broke off or colonies that were dying and they frag'd to save.

they do get some beautiful corals in though...

they are local to me and i used to get most of my coral from them... so if you need any more info.. let me know..

PS whats up Jeff....
I have been dealing with RM for a couple of years now. IMO the best shippers in the business. It is difficult to keep the same colors, yes, much of their stuff comes from the wild. Unfortunately, I killed a few awesome colonies I got from them during the learning process, but have been doing great with all of their aquaculture and frags. I dont blame them for the deaths, but wild colonies are more fragile and usually the first to go when something goes wrong.
Thanks for all the replies. I think I may stick to local vendors. From all of the comments, its sounds like they are a great online vendor but I think I will hold off and stick to local guys.

BTW, I know what CRF is even though I have not been there, but I am not sure what IR is?
