Research: Chalk Bass + Mantis shrimp = ???


Active member
I just found out that the Chalk Bass, that I was planning on having as a possible tank-mate for my G. Smithii in his 10g nano, is a shrimp-eater; most notably the Chalk Bass haters report that their Cleaner Shrimp have been ingested... *grumble*

Taking that as gospel, a cleaner shrimp is not a MANTIS! Would the chalk bass try to ingest the mantis shrimp or would the mantis be able to hold his own?

I rather like 'Tim,' my tiny G. Smithii, and would rather not see him eaten, but I am taken back a bit as I had hoped to add a Chalkie to keep the tank active. If no one knows for certain I may have to try it in the name of science, but it would be a crying shame to have given the little mantis his own home just have him swallowed by a cool-looking fish a couple weeks later...

Any one got the info? :D
Chalk bass don't get very large - I can't see him being an issue for a mantis - G.smithii is not a shrinking violet. I'd be more worried about the chalk bass getting damaged - I have one in my reef and they are very shy little fish. I wouldn't keep any non aggressive species like a lysmata/cleaner but a small mantis will be fine.

You can look up chalk bass on fishbase for their wild diet observed - they are in the Serranus genus - maybe serranus tortugarum?
