Reviews for Coralife Super Skimmer?


New member
Thinking of getting the 65G model for my 30G tank and using in the hang on capacity.

Experiences with this skimmer before I take the dive?
I'm running mine on a 40 gallon w/ a 15 sump and it works well. No need for constant adjustments and I'm pulling some good skimmate.
It is my first skimmer, so I have nothing to compare it to. Mine had a break-in period of about a week and now it works great. I wish it pulled even more skimmate, but I think once I start a Kalk drip that should help things along.
I have a 220 on a system with about 150 gallons. Mile fills its collection cup with a fairly dry skim every 2 weeks.
how does it compare to the remora pro? it seems like they are competitors. no intentions of thread hijacking but i had to ask. lol