ric id pls..


New member
has anyone seen or know the name of this ricordea? thanks.

sorry the pic is abit blurry..

messed up loading the pic, its in my gallery..
The polyps (pseudotenacles) appear to go up to the mouth so more like an Atlantic specimen rather than Florida, but the mixture of polyp sizes is throwing me off in terms of the exact species.
i am going to try to take better pics, but still have problems posting it with the thread. so it will problem be in my gallery in abit. thanks...
so would this be just another regular ric?, currently is about 2-3 inches when i got it, so i guess it has some more opening to do. and the inside color is orange/redish would this be a normal ric species, the strange part there bulbls/tenticles are two tone color?
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