Ric Yuma and FL question.

I would not do it with prize rics and yumas personally. My florida lay all over my blue and red shrooms and dont have a problem. I have a florida ric that came in contanct with a tonga shroom and it was adversly affected. I have never tried it personally so IMO its a gamble.

If you do it and it works let me know.
I have heard that yumas and floridas will sting each other, but i have seen my floridas bump a yuma when expanded and nothing happened
Its a gamble is what i figure.

Interesting a hairy shroom lost to a yuma! my hairy shrooms are real agressive and i have always considered yuma less agressive. Thats good to know because i would rather lose a hairy shroom in turf war than a yuma.
Thats my problem then, my tonga shroom is agressive and you just backed it up for me.

Since this thread has started i have had yuma comming in contact with florida to no ill effect. I am also seeing yuma touching my red shroom with no harm done either, my floridas and zoos lay on each other and it looks to be going just fine for everybody.