Ricordea florida frag and grew diary


New member
First day at Feb, 26

The Mother

The child with no mouth and heavy injured


3rd day, Feb, 28
The mother

The child, we can see the cut healing.


5th day. March 2
The mother look healed

The child look better.

7th day. March 4
The child keep healing

15th day, March 12
The child seems grew a mouth

17th day, March 14
The child have a clear mouth
very neat...
you actually just cut a plug out of the parent ric? so a mouth doesn't need to be cut out too, the baby will grow its own ?
Great sequence of pics! I've actually begun propping some of my my rics by just cutting small pieces like that off of larger polyps as an experiment and I haven't lost one yet. I'm starting to prefer that method over cutting a large polyp off the rock and cutting it into pieces.
I have tried this as well when a polyp is on a rock and shrivels up so it is hard to cut. I cut it into thirds and because I didnt separate enough , 2 pieces grew back together , but I still did get at least one new polyp =)).
got zoanthids?

Seems to me this is far less invasive. Better chance of retaining the mother in the event of potential problems.

I still get chicken skin thinking about slashing through one of my rics. One day. One Day.

Yes, I'm skeered.
Nothing to be scared about. Just practice on some green ones first before you take out the knife on some tricolors or rarer color morphs ;)
Great story and pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I too am a little scared to cut my rics.

I did accidentaly plit my rics when trying to reduce the rock size. Both seem to be doing fine after 5 days.
How large was the frag of the child? I'm considering doing this to a few of mine and wondered what would be the smallest size you'd expect to survive fragging.