ricordea pics.


New member
I love to collect ricordea, but im looking for some wild ones, anyone have any that they would part with? Sorry guys, I dont have a good camera and im not a very good photographer.
I have a few wild cought rics and they are some of my favorites. I can tell you where to buy them from honest people at an unbeliveable price if you are interested. Ill snap some pics of their stuff in my tank in a bit. I was just in there with razors and glue but i am not lookin to win any awards for my tank, give me a few and ill post some pics.
Dont do that, get a photobucket account, its free...
We dont want to strain to see the pics ne ways. Let the pixels rip!
Once you upload your pictures to your photobucket, at the bottom of the pic if you view the album there is an IMG tag. You copy that IMG/whateverwhathaveyou/IMG and post it like you would any text.

Im uploading the pics i took now but they are freakin horrible, i was too zoomed in on most of them and the light kicked off on me while i was taking them wich drives me completely insane!
here is one picture, there are 4 there
Here goes.
These are taken under a 20k 150w Giesemann megachrome bulb with no attinic backing. I will get good pics tomorrow, i messed most of these up.







Here are a few bonus pics (the only ones that came out good).

One of my yuma, been captive for three years that i know of.


I got my first Open Brain tonight! the pics really turned out bad but ill go upload one of it since we are sharing pics =-)
i have a 5 mega pixel sony, so the zoom is terrible. I dont have any attinic lighting, just M/H. That is a very nice yuma. Im drueling right about now
It has babies underneath it.... I really like your yellows....

That is an 8 mp kodak easy share that when used right will take a good pic, not great but good. Your pics look good and your corals all look great, nice and healthy.
Do you feed your brain?
I havent fed it at all, i had a problem in my tank and my hammer just died, that pic was taken last week. my frogspawn to the right has like 15 babies on it, cant wait to frag it. Im still kinda new to this hobby, still have lots to learn. where can I get some nice ricordea?
Just look around. I search the sell trade forums here and scour the LFS and ya cant forget ebay.

If you want to spend a bunch of money you can get nice rics just about anywhere. DrsFosterandSmith have some nice stuff in the divers den on liveaquaria.com.