Ricordia Experts - How to Feed?


In Memoriam
I have struggled to find an efficient way to feed my rics. I've been using tweezers and mysis shrimp. But it seems like only half the time do the rics actually hang on to the shrimp pieces.

What's the best food, method and time for feeding rics? Thanks in advance for the help.

I have no difficulty feeding my new brain that I got at GWA. (other than keeping the scavengers at bay)

I just put the meat on the mouths and if they are hungry they will close up and eat it. They grow faster when fed though. I cut a polyp in half about a year ago and let them heal. When healed hey were both the same size and I placed them right next to each other in the same spot in the tank. The one I fed shrimp, tuna and anything meaty the other I did not. The one that has been fed directly has spllit and is much more plump and has more mouths and is bigger. The other one that was not fed is very healthy and about the size of a half dollar but not as many polyps or as plump. This was my little experiment and it is JMHO

I feed them anything meaty cooked or raw-if they are hungry they will close up on it. Good luck
I agree with kreeger1......no target feeding needed.

and still grow like mad!

so y waste the money and dirty ur tank with extra food ..

nice pic
THe open brain looks good to you stupidsreef? It looks like its bleached and you can see some of the skeleton showing were flushy skin should be??
The faded red color also looks pink which isn't a good sign.
Part of the bleached look is the dirty glass, I used a flash and the picture is blown up. I agree it does not look perfect though. Hopefully feeding it will help.
I use a baster. It's the universal feeding tool. If you turn the circulation off during feeding, then you can pretty much put the baster over the coral and let gravity do the rest.

Granted fish and critters will make feeding difficult and you have lots of fish and critters. :D