Ripped Ricordia


New member
I originally posted this in the soft coral forum and realize now that i mis-posted it. Anyway, i've had a ricordia in my tank for about 2 weeks now. It is about a 1 1/4 inches in diamater. Yesterday i noticed what looked like a tare on the outer edge of it. Now it looks as if the tare is getting bigger, going towards the mouth. The ric only has one mouth right now. Is this splitting or is there a problem. sorry no pics ;-(
just slice it in half. Get a glass fill it about half way with substrate, sit it in the bottom of your tank and place the polyps in the glass. In about two weeks they will attach to the substrate and you can then SG them to some rubble. good luck
Thanks guys. I did find out why it is ripped. Emeril (my kids named him) the emerald crab decided to use it as a buffet. He will be returning to the LFS this sat. Thanks for the replies!