RKL/DA Programming Question


New member

Tired of screwing with this so I'm reaching out for help. My settings are below. I've got it to the point where it will come on when my float lowers, but when I raise it (within 10 seconds) it still keep pumping. I check the display, it says the outlet is off, but the pump is still going, also checked the PC4 and it marks the outlet as off, but it's not it's still on. Does it run for a certain amount of time before it shuts off? Also setup my alarm 4 on a different float switch and even that didn't get it to shut off. Thoughts? Help?!


Outlets 2 and 3 triacs and 1 and 4 are Relays, That pump that runs the ATO runs on low voltage and outlets 2 and 3 often have a small amount of voltage that runs though them even when turned off so things like pumps will keep running.

So move it to 1 or 4 and that should solve the problem.
You can also use a surge protector with a 330 volt clamping voltage between the pump and PC4. It is the back EMF pulse from the pump losing power that turns the triac back on. This keeps repeating at a high rate and appears to us to be always on.
Perfect, working good now! Anyone know of any apps that currently work with the net module?
