Rose Bubble Tip Anemone issues


New member
Hey guys here's a crazy one for you. I have had a Rose bubble tip for about 2 weeks and it has completed retreated all of it's tentacles. I took it out of the tank today and put it in a plastic cup (like the one used at a pet store) 15 minutes later it's tentacles are coming back out. Any ideas on why it was retreating in the tank?
It not helping by you messing with it. What is your purpose by putting it in a cup? your tank parameter, anything in your tank bothering it that what I would try to look for
All anemones required strong light, perfect water parameters, more than 30g, and virtually no flux in water parameters.
I put it into the collection cup because I was going to see if switching tanks would help. It is doing better but still not great. It's just a baby anemone and is about 2" in diameter. Water parameters have tested out fine. No ammonia or nitrate, monitor calcium and alkalinity and salinity is 1.023