rubbernecking welcome! (final full tank pix)

Taking decent full aquarium pictures has been quite an experience. Just ask my wife and kids who were growing very tired of me asking them to keep the TV and house lights off every evening!
Full aquarium shots are much more difficult than macro shots. I wanted to hire a pro photographer for the job, but there aren't many professional aquarium photogs around so I had to make due with my own limited skills and equipment. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the Klier meeting that will be discussing reef aquarium photo techniques because I'll be in the middle of moving to our new house. Bummer.
I've looked at so many pictures that my eyes hurt. Thank goodness I'm still not burning through expensive rolls of film.
One week left until I tear down this 9 year old reef aquarium. I've had most of these critters a very long time!


kitchen side


living room side
Great Pictures. I know they were a lot of work to get, but you did a good job. You truly have to see your aquarium in person to truly see how amazing it is.

Good luck with the move. I am excited to see your new setup! I think it will be better (if that is possible!)

Thanks for sharing the pictures!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6928578#post6928578 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MarksReef
Wow it's getting close. Do you have the new one drilled yet.
Drilling starts tomorrow.
Thanks for the kind words, Jason, Jamie and John! :)
About all I can say is simpely awesome.It is guys you like that keep making me decide to of you others also so many great looking tanks).I can only hope that my next tank can turn out that well.The stack job and the way your colors stand out is great.Let me know what you need for the move also if nothing that is ok if anything you do need or I can help you with just let me know where and when Scott
Gary, that is easily the most realistic tank I have ever seen. Looks completely natural and honestly I think that is far more important than color. Tremendous job.
Gary - It's pictures of your tank that make me think I am such a poor photographer and at the same time, inspire me to take great care of my tank to get the growth/look of a tank like yours!
Gary your pictures are outragous! I hope all goes well with your move. arnd I'll see you next sat.
Gary tank looks awesome,going to be a challenge to create another set up as natural as that one.Good luck on the move and looking forward to pics of the new tank when its up and running.
Thanks for all the kind words and well wishes.
Rick- I didn't mark down camera settings as I clicked away hundreds of pics over the course of several nights. I can tell you that I was using a Canon A510 (relatively inexpensive digital cam), a tripod, exposure compensation, camera flash on it's lowest setting, room was nearly pitch dark, f stop was either 4.5 or 5 and shutter speed was at least 1/30 (the slowest possible shutter speed while trying to prevent bad "fish blur".)
In other words, the camera wasn't on "auto focus" for these.
I had to shoot pix between 6PM and 6:30PM because of the halide schedule, family schedule (dinnertime!- this aquarium is right in the middle of our house) and the sunlight/ambient room lighting (we have skylights.)
Needless to say, taking these pictures was a challenge. :)
I suppose the pics were taken in higher resolution? I would be very curious to see larger versions of the images, in order to see all the detail in the tank.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6930614#post6930614 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alozano
I suppose the pics were taken in higher resolution?
Yeah- I forgot to mention that I take all pics at maximum pixel size. I then recrop/resize using

None of the picture hosting sites that I use will hold the original size of my photo files because they're too large.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6931456#post6931456 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by alozano
How large is too large? I could host it for a limited period of time.

PM me your email addy and I'll forward big files ASAP.