sailfin survivor


New member
Six months ago I bought a sailfin blenny at my LFS because I was told some of them eat res slime algae and they get along with everything. I put him in the tank and my bicolor blenny began chasing him. He hid and would come out mainly at night and then after a few weeks seemed to be getting along fine. The bicolor would chase him sometimes at feeding but they were pretty much coexisiting.
Three months ago the sailfin disappeared. I looked for him on the floor since they are jumpers but could not find him. I figured the bicolor finally finished the sailfin off and the crabs removed any traces.
I just put a CPR aquafuge HOB on my tank have it set up. I was rearranging some of the electrical cords behind my tank, making sure nothing was in jeopardy of falling into the new fuge when I saw a shadow in the overflow. There was the sailfin blenny, a lot paler but swimming around in this confined space. I guess I spooked him when I was moving stuff around.
Now, what do I do? Should I get him out of the overflow where he has survived for three months? Should I rescue him, put him in the new fuge, a smaller area than he has been living in but I will be able to keep my eye on himand reintroduce him later? Or should I capture him and drop him into the tank which has plenty for him to munch on and let him find a good hiding place?
I am definitely going to get him out. I have been able to look at him closelu and he looks great. Fins are intact, no spots looks really healthy.
Tomorrow I will get him out since I have to remove the intake and return pipes and put him into the main tank.
Thanks supertech3, I appreciate you input.