saltwater plants

Come to my house, my fuge is full of it and I need to get rid of some. Its either gonna go to your tank or the trash...I litterly have a ~5g fuge thats complete chaeto, TONS of pods in it.
It all started with a fist sized peice from Jeff. ;)

I live near PPM...or I can meet you somewhere and bring it in a baggy. Either way.

sounds perfect, whens a good time for you? i work on hansen and get off around 1600 so anytime after 1700ish would be best.
Glad to hear all that cheato is hooking up the folks around here. And to think a little over a year ago cheato didn't exist here.
no need to come up here. wheres a good place to meet, im sorta familiar with the area around ppm, jus lemme know
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9840798#post9840798 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
Come to my house, my fuge is full of it and I need to get rid of some. Its either gonna go to your tank or the trash...I litterly have a ~5g fuge thats complete chaeto, TONS of pods in it.
It all started with a fist sized peice from Jeff. ;)

I live near PPM...or I can meet you somewhere and bring it in a baggy. Either way.


Frank, I am actually looking to see if you can give me some pointers on keep up a POD population like you speak of in your fuge. I'd like to know how you started yours if that's o.k.
Thanks in advance,
Sure. Take a small ball of my chaeto, put a couple of 10k bulbs over it that run 24/7, light flow and give it time. Ill try to take a pic of my pods tonight.
Heres my fuge

this is what it started like, this pic was taken Sept 16th

I took these this evening

and you kinda cant really see the pods, but there are a TON there. This fuge is very very full of life

The Chaeto is almost the length of the fuge, its as deep as the fuge and thick. You can see what it started like, and I have done absoutly NOTHING to it. It gets pretty low flow water, and has 2; 10k bulbs next to it. I could only imagine what it would turn into if I put the bulbs over the fuge...
Hey vest, I'm on Kadena.. takes me about ten minutes to get to PPM.. I was gonna head out there to get some water this evening after work, think I could pickup some of that chaeto sometime??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9855511#post9855511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lionel
Hey vest, I'm on Kadena.. takes me about ten minutes to get to PPM.. I was gonna head out there to get some water this evening after work, think I could pickup some of that chaeto sometime??

Is PPM now open on the weekdays? I had spoken to Kinjo-san a while back and he told me he'd only be open weekends due to a reef re-fragging project he was working on on the Northern shore...:confused:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9855511#post9855511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lionel
Hey vest, I'm on Kadena.. takes me about ten minutes to get to PPM.. I was gonna head out there to get some water this evening after work, think I could pickup some of that chaeto sometime??

Is PPM now open on the weekdays? I had spoken to Kinjo-san a while back and he told me he'd only be open weekends due to a reef re-fragging project he was working on on the Northern shore...:confused:
yeah, I went this evening. their card says closed on wednesday, but the place was all lit up so i walked in and bought some water for a w/c, they seemed business as usual :D

of course, ive been in there at least twice a week for the last month, soooo..
Lionel, have you been able to test the water from PPM? (or anyone for that matter) If so, what are the parameters like? I am seriously attacking my SPS situation and all my reading currently states Alk:~8; Mag:~1400; Cal:~420/450....Bought a piece awhile back was doing good then BAM!!! Bleached on me...sigh...Spoke to Tiera-San @ ACO and he said water temp. Got a chiller going but can't get it below 26C during the day (GCX-400 from petbox - was on sale - dirt cheap with my points card). Night time o.k. =25C. PPM running a tight ship but difficult to copyu water qual without that amount of water volume. POD factory behind the wall for the mandarin kinda helps too:hmm2:
i havent tested the water from PPM or the fish lady (marine lagoon) but both are great, as far as ive never ever had any problems with my tank and there water.

Mr. C, I will send a bag full with my wife to work. It should be ok for the day...maybe I can put some in a bucket or something...
I should be home Saturday, and Sunday evening.
give me a call
09067703258 and we can meet up.

Frank, sure would like meet up. Just let me know when your wife will be dropping off the cheato and I'll make sure that I am available.
She should have taken it to work with her today. When I pulled it out this morning, I was amazed at how thick the stuff really is. I knew it was thick, but holy cow. I put some water in the bag, make sure you rinse out the bag also...with salt or top off water, and rinse it out into the fuge. I give you about twice what I started with...and you see what mine did.
ran home real quick for lunch...and she had forgot it. It was sitting right there on the table where I put it for her.

Give me a call sometime this weekend. Tommorow should be a good day to get together, ill show you my set-up.

VestMan, thanks for the cheato...I put it in the sump last night and am dying to get the pod population up and going!!!
THANKS AGAIN!!!! :thumbsup:
Sure thing! Did she bring you enough? The first bag I could see the pods in the bag!

Put a 10k bulb over it...or head to petbox and get one of those small 1g tank light kits for like 2000y...