Saltwater Store water bad ppm??


Hey everyone. I wanted to get opinions on Aquarium stores having too high of ppm in their water. I brought my TDS meter into my store and tested their water and it said it was at 62! The owner of the store said over time the Salt water will creep into the Freshwater bin because they use the same pipe to connect them When distributing fresh and salt to customers. How accurate is this story? I just do not want to keep filling my 90 gallon cube with water that may or may not be no good. Any help appreciated. Thank you so much!
Just another good reason to get your own ro/di. Even if you can't run a permanent line to it, for less than $200 you'll get a perfectly fine unit that can easily connect to a standard faucet when you need to make water.

And FWIW - my $$$ is on them being less than truthful about their TDS and it's "cause". A more likely scenario is that they are past due for a filter and resin change and just haven't bothered to do it.
I gotcha. I had a four stage, but water here in Florida is at 300 which is high I believe! I want to get a six stage bulk reef supply one so I can guarantee to TDSwill get down to zero ppm. Thanks for the input and would anyone else have any other opinions?
You could check the water (both salt and fresh) for phosphates we were getting salt water that had .5ppm from our LFS. Ended up with a BRS 5 stage and it has saved a ton of $$$$ in the long run.
Cheers! Mark