Sam's 110g (Lots of DIY)


New member
Well I think Ive bought enough equipment to start one of these threads. The updates will be coming daily and my new 110 should be up and running by next weekend.

110g Project

110g 60x24x18-DIY
60g Sump-A-fuge-DIY
Hurricane Overflow-DIY with modifications
ASMG2 w/Sedra5000- with modifications
SCWD Closed Loop w/Jebo2200Pump-DIY
Via Aqua3300 Return
200lbs+Fiji, plus some stuff I have no idea what it is
100lbs+ Fiji Pink Sand

Today I tore down my 60g. I kept around 45% of the existing water to house some of the fish and to add a little to the 110g.


I used my (Plan A 30g) Sump-A-fuge to house Pair of SI True Percs, Coral Beauty, and a Yellow Tang with a few snails.

I am now going with my existing 60g for a bigger Sump-A-Fuge simply because it was part of the deal with my parents, Were guessing it will take twice as long for the 60g to overflow if we ever loose power.Plus I need it for the ASM.

The walls of my room will hopefully be painted Saturday.

30g Sump-Fuge with 1/8 acrylic will get rid of when 110g goes up. I know someone was intersted in it PM me.

Here it it is housing the fishes.

Heres my 60g, stand will be found a new home also PM me, its all cleaned up in my garage right now and just bought 1/4 sheets of acrylic and some silicone. Just having some camera problems will have a ton more pics to come...

Inputs, Ideas etc are welcomed Ive been in the hobby for 9 months and this is pretty big. So please help out on the way if there are better ways of doing things as this thread progesses.


Finished the 60g Sump-A-Fuge...I thought it was gonna be harder to make the teeth on the acrylic. Just got a really thick blade on the dremel and made inserts lol.


Went to HD in the morning bought 12 feet of return line that will be used for the return, and the SCWD closed loops.

My pops brought me the sweet fittings from his work and got working on the DIY Overflow w/Durso and finsihed of the rest of the plumbing. The plastic was bought from my Cousins friend. The container and U tube is from a Hurricane overflow.
O My pops works for Spears...


Im hoping to get the rest of the room painted today so I can go and pick up the 110g already.

Congrats on the new tank. Is it going to be Reef or FOWLR? The only thing I would have done differently is I would have had the tank drilled for the overflow. But the siphon overflow should work just fine.

Keep us updated.
O yea Ima blow this sucker out REEF BABY!

The Aquascaping is going to consist of two Main Islands.

1. For Anemones

2. For Softies and such

And I will have a few caves and caverns I cant wait.


I was gonna drill the tank but didnt know if the tank was tempered.Had the parts lying around so I said ehh what the hey...
