Sand Dollar


New member
I found on eBay that I can buy live sand dollars for my this a bad idea? I've never heard of it before and can't find any info on them in aquarium use...

Does anyone have live sand dollars or know anything about this?
From what I understand they require a large sand bed, something like 10 sq feet per individual. You also have to be wary and make certain the sand dollar is truly a tropical species. There are temperate ones readily available, and their reef tank survival is even poorer than the tropical ones.
A friend of mine got one from the gulf (they are everywhere) and put it in his tank. He never saw it again......

I have read that they will eat lots of your sand critters, and then slowly starve out.
There seems to be some controversy regarding what they eat, and certainly there may be different species eating different things. According to Marine invertebrates " Herbivors. Ingest sediments and eat diatoms, other microalgae, and bacteria. May feed on algae in suspension. "