I have noticed quite a bit of sand setteling on my LR. I have a Pearly Jawfish which spits sand around like he's a piece of construction equipment, which then settles on the rock. (Thank goodness my LR is built on submerged PVC pipes lest there be a LR collapse due to all the burrowing) My question is: Will this sand keep my coraline algae from growing? If so, how do I solve the problem? Will more light penetrate the thin layer of sand? If not, can I somehow vaccumm the sand out without vaccuming out half my live sand bed? Thanks is advance.
I have noticed quite a bit of sand setteling on my LR. I have a Pearly Jawfish which spits sand around like he's a piece of construction equipment, which then settles on the rock. (Thank goodness my LR is built on submerged PVC pipes lest there be a LR collapse due to all the burrowing) My question is: Will this sand keep my coraline algae from growing? If so, how do I solve the problem? Will more light penetrate the thin layer of sand? If not, can I somehow vaccumm the sand out without vaccuming out half my live sand bed? Thanks is advance.