Sand on Rocks


New member

I have noticed quite a bit of sand setteling on my LR. I have a Pearly Jawfish which spits sand around like he's a piece of construction equipment, which then settles on the rock. (Thank goodness my LR is built on submerged PVC pipes lest there be a LR collapse due to all the burrowing) My question is: Will this sand keep my coraline algae from growing? If so, how do I solve the problem? Will more light penetrate the thin layer of sand? If not, can I somehow vaccumm the sand out without vaccuming out half my live sand bed? Thanks is advance.

if i were you i would probably get rid of the pearly jawfish

as far as the sand goes just take a turkey baster and "baste" the sand off..:D
Dave, you could try adding a few premade caves in the sand for the jawfish... Simply take some pieces of 3/4" PVC 4"to 6"s in length and bury them in the sand bed at a slight angle...Also add some larger grained sand and small rubble (mouth size) around the PVC caves.... Some times it works and sometimes it doesn't, just have to give it a try.... as for the sand on the rocks...Just simply blow it off with with a turkey baster.... HTH's keep us informed.....
I have a book and the guy in it purposley puts sand on the rock to make it look more natural like the rock is comming out of the ocean bottom.