Sarcophyton sp. in SPS


New member
I have a Sarcophyton sp. in my SPS tank. I have been having problems with keeping Acros for a while and wanted to know what ill effects they cause? What symptoms to look out for to know they are causing problems?
Shawn, I have 2 in my tank also, and mine seem to be growing fine. I've lost some color in a couple of my SPS lately so I decide to start running carbon in a Phosban reactor. From what I have read it will help stop the chemical war that you get with the Sarcophyton.

Mine is pretty big and well you know what I'm dealing with so I want to eliminate everything I can. Plus it's no green one just a regular run of the mill.
I have not read any details on what they really do to SPS. I was hoping someone could explain.
I also have two in my tank. I've got many other leathers too. During the past 2 years, I've lost a large colony of Acropora when I didn't change carbon for a month or so. I agree with h2Ocooled that you need to keep the chemical war down by water changes and carbon. You also need good water flow. IME.