

New member
Just picked some up from our club's latest frag swap, wondering if anyone out there grows the stuff. Comments, suggestions, warnings???
Is it attached to a rock? If not then it will float and eventually decay but not really grow that much. Sargassum attached on rocks seems to grow rapidly initially and then just fade away from what I have seen within about 6 months or so. Not sure if it is lacking something in the water or not. I use NSW and even with that it doesn't seem to stick around for more than 6 months. Most people who have it in their tanks get stalks of it on new live rock. It grows like a weed and then suddenly disappears.
Mine grows fine in regular strength SW (S=35). IME it doesn't spread readily, but i've never tried to cultivate it out onto nearby rock. Mine grows like a bush from a single holdfast. If you want it in your main tank, I'd try to force a lower part of a stem into contact with a rock, and maybe it will grow a hold-fast. Mine grows fairly slowly and is easy to prune back by breaking off the entire upper body where the stem is attached to the rock. Not very attractive but easy to manage.
Umm... isn't regular SW 32 or 1.025 depending on the measuring units. Sounds like you do have a slightly more salty tank.
Dr Randy Holmes Farley: quote: "For example, the specific gravity of natural seawater (S =35) is 1.0278 using the 3.98 Ã"šÃ‚°C standard, 1.0269 using the 60 Ã"šÃ‚°F standard, 1.0266 using the 20 Ã"šÃ‚°C standard, and 1.0264 using the 77 Ã"šÃ‚°F standard. " End quoute.
Reference article:

I keep my SG at 1.025-1.026 at 81F using a 77F standard hydrometer, so I'm a little low, actually.