SCMAS April Meeting

Leopard Wrasse

New member

The next meeting will be held on April 22nd, hope to see
everyone there.


Host: Russ ( Deuce67 )

Where: 14965 Pamela Way, Peyton, CO 80831

When: 1pm

Thanks to Russ for hosting,
if any one has any questions feel free to call me.


I got it covered bud. You guys can bring other reefers or other folks who are interested in getting into reefing though.
We will be there as usual. I am psyched to see your stuff Russ. Lets get the word out see we can have a good turn-out. I will try and call members the week of the meeting. I just need to get the numbers from Robert.
April Meeting

April Meeting

Thanks for the burgers and allowing us to invade your house. Great tank.

Thanks also for all the frags that you and everyone else brought out.

Thanks for coming guys. A lot better turn out than I expected. Thanks to Todd and Joe for the Maxi stream demonstration. Dan, thanks for the cap! I had fun at the meeting plus the Avs put a whooping on the Stars was a plus. I cant wait till Todd and Jody's meeting next month. I love big tanks! Again, thanks for the great turn out!
That was a good one this month. Russ, you have an awsome tank. I really love the colors you have put together. Russ, you are a bad influence, I went to Mr Aqua after the meeting to buy a fairy wrasse and saw an elegance just like yours. I then procceded to buy it. John said he had it for 2 months and it is looking great in my tank. Keep your fingers crossed.
Here is an old pic taken on Oct 2004. I just started sps. Todd, you can see my elegance is already there. Tank has come a long ways.

Russ, that was nice then, but you have really changed things. You definatly got into the sps craze.