Scopas tang purchased 1 week ago acting strange


New member
Hello guys, I have a 300 litre reef tank and I added a scopas tang last week but it does not eat much food and lays on the bottom of the tank flat. It's also got a strange skin condition as you can see in the image, I am not sure what's wrong.
Looks like the fish is in shock. Maybe a delayed reaction to the water quality.

A video longer than one minute under white light up close to the fish, showing both sides of the fish would be helpful. You can upload the video to YouTube then post the link to it here.
It could be something bacterial. I would place the fish in a QT w/MB dosed: Methylene Blue

(I don’t think the fish would tolerate any stronger treatments in its current condition.)

I would also lower QT temp & salinity to reduce metabolic demands. Say, 72-74F and 21-22ppt. The fish looks to be in bad shape. :confused: