Screwed Up ? Sandsifting Goby...


New member
I just got a sandsifting goby, I thought it would be good to turn the sand over etc....but now Im concerned he will starve since I dont have any pods etc.....what does he eat out of the sand ??

plus I have a pretty big clean up crew is there anything left for this guy !

What to do....I dont want him starving !
I have a gold sleeper head goby that eats everything....loves froozen mysis and formula 2 flakes. Ive heard of people putting the mysis on the sand or even under the sand to get them eatting....Good luck, they are great fish! just make sure you have a turkey baster to clean the rocks at the end of the night! they get sand EVERYWHERE
When I first got my goby, it wouldn't eat anything we put in there. We tried putting the mysis in the sand, but that didn't work. After about a week of not eating I guess desire to live kicked in and it just started eating the frozen mysis and even prime reef. Now it eats whatever we feed the other fish at the time.
I use a pipette with a long extension to deposit frozen foods under the sand for my pair of sixspots. They eat like pigs and take mysis, brine, plankton, bloodworms, pieces of silverside, mussel and pellets. The only thing they won't touch is squid. I give them each about a cube per day; my experience with these guys is they have really fast metabolisms and lose weight quickly if they're not fed enough.