Seahorse pouch evacuation completed


New member
Man today was not a great day for me because one of my seahorses got air in his pouch somehow. I thought I would be a lucky owner and never have to do this process. Thank God for Jan she is such a lifesaver, she supplied me with some meds and a canula for seahorse emergencies a long time ago. I tried the massage therapy on him but it didnt work so since I had the canula I was able to expell the air very gently. The seahorse seems so much better and I am truly greatful that Jan had given me the tools and knowhow. Now I hope someday I may be able to help someone else. WHEW, now where is my massage therapy??
Oops! I keep forgetting to mail you that certificate, don't I?:hmm2:

Glad to hear your seahorse is doing better though.:celeb1: :thumbsup:
Is he mad at you LOL. Mine always sulk after an evac.
Its scary the first time but will get easier. Glad I was able to help. Even when it was a long time ago.
