Seahorse types first attempt


New member
I'm really interested in keeping seahorses and pipefish, what species would you recomend for say, a 20 to 30 gallon. I know they like plants and things to cling on to. What species should i get that is really hardy? Shouldn't the water be kept at around 75 or so? Myisis and brine are what I hear of most often as far as eating goes. I understand different species have different needs, and some suggestions and a description would be great.
IMO, Erectus are very good beginner seahorses. They are very hardy. Temp should be no higher than 76 long term. The most common foods fed are frozen PE Mysis or Hikari mysis. Of course, make sure you purchase captive bred seahorses from a reputable breeder.

29 gallon tank, 1 lb/gallon live rock, shallow sand bed, decent protein skimmer, PC fluorescent lights, HOT refugium if you can afford another piece of equipment, fake coral or tonga branch live rock for hitching.
I'm kind of on a limited budget, however I can make my own skimmer and all the lr will have to wait a little while, I will take some cured and established from my other reef though to speed up the cycle. Thank you for the help!
If you can seed some appropriate type dry or "dead" rock with some nice live rock, it will come along. Good luck and enjoy!