Set for 90gal. Surfline


New member
Hello Roger,

I am thinking about investing in the streams and need some input on a set-up. My system is a 90 gal. surfline. As you can see in the picture I have a few softies and LPS. However I want to begin adding SPS to the mid and upper sections of the tank and get rid of these powerheads. Out of view are 4 powerheads. 1 Hagen 402 in the bottom left corner blowing behind the rockwork. 1 Hagen 301 in the top left corner blowing towards the center. Another 402 in the top right corner blowing towards the center and another 301 behind the rockwork on the right side. (you can see the powercord). I would really like to eliminate all powerheads if I can but do the streams actually send flow behind and below the rockwork like the powerhead set-up does?? Tank Dimension: Surfline, 48X18X25. Thanks
You would probably be most satisfied with a wavebox and a 6000 but is the surfline a wavefront tank?
Yes, The surfline is a wavefront tank. What are the major differences between two 6000 on a controller Vs. The Wavebox and one 6000.
That is why I suggested the wavebox, it is the only way you will get good flow behind the rock, the Stream flow is very diffuse and poorly penetrates obstacles. Really I am not sure how the wavebox will perform as we mainly recommend it for rectangular tanks. I see two choices, go 2 Streams, and loosen the rock structure keeping it away from the back wall so flow can get behind it, or, put a spray bar behind it from your return. The wavebox is a gamble, maybe someone who has tried it can chime in.
Thanks for the input Roger. My rock structure is very loose towards the back of the tank. Most of the rocks sits about one inch from the back to allow flow back there so I should be pretty good with two 6000. From looking at the picture along with the tank being a wavefront where and how would you recommend me placing the streams.
Really placement will be a trial and error, it is difficult for me to see how to get the flow behind the rock because I can't really see any space but they will need to be on the sides of the tank for sure, likely angled back somewhat.