shaving brush


Active member
Is this stuff anygood for nutrient export? I have seen this at lfs and wondering if it worth putting in my fuge.

I have some of this in my fuge too. It's doing well but only after adding a light upgrade. It seems to prefer rather bright lights in a moderate current. It's finally started taking off now for me.
As for nutrient export, I don't really know just how efficient it is in comparison to other algae's but it does help export.
Maybe others with more personal experience can elaborate. I can tell you, if you can get it to grow, it will export some nurtients, no matter how small the amount. It has a bad reputation for giving it's owners a hard time though.

Hope this helps.
I have 6 turbo sanils in my fuge in hope they will combat the diatoms and they have not even touched my shaving brush. There are even some clumps of algae growing on the tips of that brush and my snails have yet to make thier way over to it!
Pretty lazy snails I've got, if you ask me!