Shipping Clams ?


Premium Member

I've been desiring a clam [derasa or squamosa most likely] for my stable, healthy tank. Given the prices of the LFS around here [$100 + for a healthy one, normally only maximas] ...
I've been really tempted to get one from a reputable online vendor, as their prices would be much less, even with overnight shipping included.

Is it a bad idea to get one shipped? I've heard a few tales of success and failure ... and wanted to get more opinions before I decide to go forward with it.

Thanks for your advice/experience.

Tank specs ... 58g RR tank with 175w MH and 110w PC actinic. Mostly sps [acro, monti pocillapora] with a few zoos and a couple LPS. 2 occ. clowns, royal gramma, firefish. Assorted snails, emerald crab, peppermint shrimp. Remora Pro skimmer. About 75# LR, 0.5" sand/cc substrate. Stable, Ca 460, Alk 10.8
These guys are from clams direct and came in today. This is a few hours after being unpacked. This is my first experience shipping clams but so far it is a very posative experience.



I purchased a 4.5 inch crocea from reefermadness. The clam is exactly how it appeared on their webpage. It was open within 15 minutes of being in my tank.

You can see the clam on the following link:

It is actually more blue than on this link.

Chris at reefermadness is absolutely the best when it comes to customer service and advice

Clams are tough. Don't forget most corals clams and fish have about a 30 hour trip into the U.S. So overnight should be no problem, especially if they are healthy.

Besides how do you think your lfs gets them?

Best of luck!

Acroporas nice clams.