Should I be worried?

JEMichael IV

New member
Well, to make a long story short. I had a colt, they decided to host in it after a month and killed it within a few weeks. They then moved to a brain I was holding for a friend (got him out before they hurt it). Thought I had everything out that they can host in.

I was sitting down watching TV, my lights were off. I noticed something that just didnt sit right in my stomach.

Is this normal for a Gold Stripe Maroon? Should I worry about him bothering the clam, even killing it?

Hmm worry if he starts to do it a lot, you might have to move the clown somewhere else. My perc did the same thing to one of my clams but he eventually stopped.
Hmm...two dangerous scenarios here...
1. The fish may irritate the clam and stress it.

2. The clam may shut with the fish still half in between the shell? Have seen one thread where this happened...

To be honest cant really say. My goby used to sit on my maxima clam mantle but it never bothered the clam as the goby was so small. Hopefully it wont be a problem.
My percula decided one day after 2 yrs it was in the aquarium, that my Squomosa is an anemone.

The clam was stressed abit for 2-3 days and then stretched again, like if nothing happened.

After a while the percua left it.

I'd suggest to check the clam carefully and if you know your clam behaviour very well, so ya can tell if it's stressed or not .
If you could, try to find a new host for the clown. I find it kinda funny how clowns take host in just about anything. LOL

But for the overall health of the clam, I say it shouldn't have anything bothering it so move the clown.
I am hoping to have my rose anemone within the next week. He didnt seem to go in it so far today, but I will keep an eye on him.

The clam is acting normal, no stress he is always open exept for night time he is as he is in the photo above.

Thanks for everyones responses. I got this gorgeous new squamosa today, but it's pattern doesnt look anything like a squamosa. At least next to the one I have.

I will post pictures of it in another thread after I take some.
