Sick Maxima


Premium Member

I have a 4 inch Maxima that I bought 2 months ago that had been looking great! Now, it is only partially opening with only a small part of the mantle exposed. He is attached to a small rock.

I have tried to look for snails, but can only see small white dots (and quite a few of them) that appear to be diatoms. I have even tried with a magnifying glass out of the water. Snails? Do I need to wait for night? I have several wrasses, but no six line.

I read a thread about a clam disease with similar symptoms that was treated with freshhwater dip. Could that be it?

The water is good quality (SPS Reef Tank) Calcium 400, Alk 3.6, almost no Nitrate, Temp 79. the other 2 clams (Maxima and Crocea)and all corals are doing good. Lighting is 1 - 400 watt MH and 2 -175 watt MH.

Any ideas?
