skimmer suggestion for aquapod24


New member
Im looking for some skimmer suggestions for my new aquapod 24g.
I have 16lbs live rock, soft corals, one false perc and one green clown goby.

I'd also like some suggestions on fish. Thanks

I want to spend less than 100$ Used would be awesome
I bought a Skimmer made for a 12g and a 24g nano

I got it at my local fish store (Friend's shop) 1 week ago. the store owner got it as a protoype from some guy in CA. It works Great!!

I don't know if every store has them but they should be around some place. (if not there are other way's you can make then but i dont now if they would work. Or just hope and wait for one to come by you.)
if you want a fission let me know im getting rid of mine. Its pretty new. Im getting a bigger tank so I dont really need it. Im also making a fuge.
You really don't have a lot of options if you have the PC version, someone modded a visi-jet and posted it here... they have it sticking out of the hood.
no skimmer, just weekly 10% water changes, I've given up on a skimmer for my Pod, too much work for too little skimmate for too little benefits to a small system.