Skunk cleaner and peppermint shrimp question


Premium Member
I currently have 1 skunk cleaner shrimp. I also have some aiptasia that I need to get rid of. Some of the aiptasia are close to polyps that I don't want to harm. I've read on other threads that skunk cleaners and peppermints can co-exist fine. Would it be OK to have 2 skunk cleaners and a peppermint? AND, I think the peppermint will be OK with featherdusters? Can someone confirm this?
I have had as many as 8 peppermint shimp in a 55 gal. with one skunk cleaner. Your tank size is going to determine how many cleaner shimp you can keep mainly because they can grow quite large.
Have a 90 gallon so I should be OK then. Also I read in Shimek's Marine Invertebrate's book that peppermints may eat small polyps. I have a couple of frag pink button polyps. Think there may be any problem there?
As long as they stay healthy there shouldn't be a problem. Peppermint shimp will eat decaying critters with enthusiasm. Just look into your tank in the middle of the night cycle.
I always just drop in a few extra pellets around the tank for them to get at night to keep them happy in my tank... They rarely bother my coral when their keep full and not hungry