skunk cleaner shrimp


New member
My question doesn't concern mantis shrimp, but I don't really know where to put this question.....

My cleaner shrimp have been releasing babies about every month or so for the last several months---they are about 1/4" long, clear, and don't appear to have any antennae when they are released. I wasn't sure if they were peppermint or cleaner at first, but saw them rise in a cloud from my cleaner shrimp.

Up till now, I wasn't really keen on keeping any, assuming they would be great food for fish and coral, which they have been.
Does anyone out there have any experience trying to raise these guys???

What do they eat?? Newly hatched artemia nauplii would surely be much too large. Rotifers? what kind? etc....

thanks in advance to all you mantis keepers!!
Joyce Wilkerson

Joyce Wilkerson

Has written an article about raising cleaner shrimp larvae and the several stages they go through. Do a web search for Joyce Wilkerson (same person who wrote "Clownfish") and Cleaner Shrimp and the article should come up.

BTW, I notice your location is VaBeach, just a hop skip and a jump from Richmond. send me a private message if you'd like to trade some frags!