Skunk shrimps vs clams


New member
Hi everyone,
First msg to the forum so I hope everything is fine.
I have reef tank with a lot of LPS, 2 colonies of SPS and a couple of clams. My problem is with my new tridacna crocea, my two skunk cleaner shrimps (Lysmata amboinensis) do not leave it alone at all, picking it and trying to get into it. They were not interested with the Tridacna maxima I had for some months. Do you have any idea what might be the cause, or if they will harm the clam in any way?
Thanks a lot
Many of us have skunk cleaner shrimp with clams.....but I believe I know what your problem is. When a clam is stressed by something like being put in a new tank, they occassionally release a mucus that many creatures (like shrimp) find VERY tasty. When the clam is picked on it get's even more stressed and releases more mucus, and this can result in the clams death. What you need to do is make a temporary "cage" for the clam in its current spot. Take something like eggcrate and put it around the clam, so he can get all the water/light he wants, but the shrimp can't get through it. After a while, he should stop producing the mucus, and he and your shrimp will hopefully get along fine.