Sluggish clam


New member
I have a T. maxima (gold/yellow/brown) that I've had for about ten days. It has been doing great until now. I got up at 3 in the morning and went to peak in the tank. I noticed several gammurus and mysids "frolicking" around the clam's mantle. When I shone the light on it, it quickly closed.
This morning it didn't look quite right. It was slightly open but the mantle was retracted. Waving my hand over it caused no reaction. I thought it had died. I sprayed it with a baster and it then closed up, but after opening again, even rocking it with my hand took a while to get any reaction.
The clam is 12" below the surface under two 175w/10k plus actinic bulbs. SG is 1.025, A/N/N is 0/0/<1ppm. Temp is 80 F. Fish are 1 yellow tang, one domino damsel. Some snails, hermits, and a cleaner shrimp make up the rest of the mobile room mates.
The clam attached to the rock within 48 hours, has expanded fully until now and has not faded in color at all.
I have fed (by dispersal) phytoplankton twice a week. The tank has a lot of microfood floating around.
Is this clam having problems, or just a bad clam day? Thanks!
okay, it might be just sluggish getting used to your tank, next time i wouldnt blast it, rock it, try to get a reaction out of your clam, if its dead - you ll know it.

otherwise you're stressing it.
hehe, I didn't blast it, just created a disturbance. I guess my initial concern was the bugs climbing on the mantle at night. I hadn't noticed this on previous nights.
Sounds like you are doing all you can. What were the tank conditions where you purchased it? How long was it there? Is it a wild caught or farm raised clam?
John, the tank it came from had ~2 dozen clams in it, all doing very well. Unfortunately I didn't ask about how long it was there or where it came from. I believe it was farm-raised.
The lighting in the source tank looked similar to mine. The clam had been doing really well for 10 days on the rock it was on. Last night before lights out it looked better than ever. I just went home for lunch and moved it to the sand in hopes of making it more comfortable. Maybe something is bothering it(sand, etc)?
At lunch the shell was open about 1/4 inch and the mantle was sunken into the shell(all edges of the shell exposed). It did "clam" shut a couple of times when I moved it, so it's still with me.
And no, I didn't "rip" it off the rock, I cut the threads at the rock.

Any ideas are more than welcome.
Checking tonight, the clam is still withdrawn but fully colored. It will snap shut if a fish gets too close. I figured I'd take a real close look around the mantle, and guess what I found? (hint: tiny white conical shell with sluggy thing in it). Yes, what I suspect is one of those "mean snails". I'll have to do so research on them, but any advice as a head start? Thanks!