So i'm having a cloudy haze what seems to be over the rocks (might be because the returns are pointed to that direction). Could someone with their vast knowledge of tanks let me know what the issue might be?
More information:
- Currently the tank has been up for a month
- I was told this was cured live rock (was done in a 55 g container )
- I bought 2 bags of live sand just in case.
- All reading are at 0 and the tank never really got a spike of amonia, nitrate, nitrite which lead me to believe the rock was in fact cured life rock. It's about 60 lbs of that stuff.
-- I started first over feeding the tank 2 times a day as recommended by "Fish Collection"
---Started off with 3 chromi's so they can **** and hopefully get some reading... got nothing.
----Got initial algae growth, bought some snails and hermits, next day everything was gone and it has not returned really (there is some small growth on the back wall but its normally taken care of the same day by the snails)
- Salt level in the tank is .21
Things I've done in hopes of getting the cloud dust off
-Initially did a 10g water change
--Following week did a 15g water change
---Following week did a 30g water change
- This Saturday I bought "Seachem: Stability". I started off by doing 5 caps of it. Have done a cap full daily until the 7 day mark (on day 3). I was told the white cloud storm could be due to lack of bacteria in the water / rocks.
I also have a bag of Chemi pure, filter floss (which i replace weekly), bag of bio filtration media (those ceramic pellet things) , and a protein skimmer (the stock red sea max 250 one)
So i'm basically out of ideas at this point so if you could help me I would appreciate it 100%!
So i'm having a cloudy haze what seems to be over the rocks (might be because the returns are pointed to that direction). Could someone with their vast knowledge of tanks let me know what the issue might be?
More information:
- Currently the tank has been up for a month
- I was told this was cured live rock (was done in a 55 g container )
- I bought 2 bags of live sand just in case.
- All reading are at 0 and the tank never really got a spike of amonia, nitrate, nitrite which lead me to believe the rock was in fact cured life rock. It's about 60 lbs of that stuff.
-- I started first over feeding the tank 2 times a day as recommended by "Fish Collection"
---Started off with 3 chromi's so they can **** and hopefully get some reading... got nothing.
----Got initial algae growth, bought some snails and hermits, next day everything was gone and it has not returned really (there is some small growth on the back wall but its normally taken care of the same day by the snails)
- Salt level in the tank is .21
Things I've done in hopes of getting the cloud dust off
-Initially did a 10g water change
--Following week did a 15g water change
---Following week did a 30g water change
- This Saturday I bought "Seachem: Stability". I started off by doing 5 caps of it. Have done a cap full daily until the 7 day mark (on day 3). I was told the white cloud storm could be due to lack of bacteria in the water / rocks.
I also have a bag of Chemi pure, filter floss (which i replace weekly), bag of bio filtration media (those ceramic pellet things) , and a protein skimmer (the stock red sea max 250 one)
So i'm basically out of ideas at this point so if you could help me I would appreciate it 100%!