small issue. << help >> me out!


New member

So i'm having a cloudy haze what seems to be over the rocks (might be because the returns are pointed to that direction). Could someone with their vast knowledge of tanks let me know what the issue might be?

More information:
- Currently the tank has been up for a month
- I was told this was cured live rock (was done in a 55 g container )
- I bought 2 bags of live sand just in case.
- All reading are at 0 and the tank never really got a spike of amonia, nitrate, nitrite which lead me to believe the rock was in fact cured life rock. It's about 60 lbs of that stuff.
-- I started first over feeding the tank 2 times a day as recommended by "Fish Collection"
---Started off with 3 chromi's so they can **** and hopefully get some reading... got nothing.
----Got initial algae growth, bought some snails and hermits, next day everything was gone and it has not returned really (there is some small growth on the back wall but its normally taken care of the same day by the snails)
- Salt level in the tank is .21

Things I've done in hopes of getting the cloud dust off
-Initially did a 10g water change
--Following week did a 15g water change
---Following week did a 30g water change
- This Saturday I bought "Seachem: Stability". I started off by doing 5 caps of it. Have done a cap full daily until the 7 day mark (on day 3). I was told the white cloud storm could be due to lack of bacteria in the water / rocks.

I also have a bag of Chemi pure, filter floss (which i replace weekly), bag of bio filtration media (those ceramic pellet things) , and a protein skimmer (the stock red sea max 250 one)

So i'm basically out of ideas at this point so if you could help me I would appreciate it 100%!

Seems like a bacteria bloom. Definately common in newly set up tanks. Once the tank starts to mature it should go away. The rocks and sand need time to age and mature and build up the beneficial bacteria and algae that will start to process the bacteria in the water column.
I'm having the same issue. I setup my tank 2 months ago and it clouds up bad for a few days every week.

Are you using nsw or mixing?
If you do too many water changes while the tank is still not cycled you are essentially removing the beneficial bacteria from the tank and possibly going through some mini cycles or bacteria blooms. I would wait it out and let it run its course. Unless you see any negative impact on your fish or coral, which you really should t have yet if the tank is so new. Maybe throw in a little carbon.
the tang is loving life right now. It's eating like a beast and the water temperature remains stable so I guess he will continue to love life for a while. I've had him for about 2 weeks.

I have set up 2 tanks before and I never had this particular issue. When i tell you I've been to 2 fish stores weekly I'm not lying. I would go with my water and ask to get it tested and told them that its weird my tank hasn't cycled and I was being told that to not worry about it and that it might not due to the rock / sand. The only time I changed the water was at the suggestion of the people at the store. I have since not changed any water and going to ride this out for another month or two. Hopefully nothing dies.

I am on day 3 of 7 adding Sea Chem: Stability so hopefully this helps out and speeds this process up.
Id also probably stop adding a bunch of stuff to the tank at the moment. Even if the LFS recommends it. Ive been trough quite a few tanks and never add anything to "help" cycle the tank. Last 2-3 tanks i started were with dry base rock and dry sand. Took about a month to cycle with nothing added but saltwater and a couple pieces of table shrimp. I prefer to let nature take its course. If you can get your hands on a nice clean piece of Live rock or rubble, or a handful of sand from someones established tank that will be the only thing i would recommend adding to the tank at the moment.
Those rocks look awefully clean for a new set-up. I would lean towards leaving things be, and see if it gets better. Also decrease waterchanges for now and monitor levels closely. Almost seems like you are doing too much with such a young tank. I would hurry up and wait;)
appreciate the feedback!

the rocks were growing algae at one point but the mexican turbo snails went to work (have 5 of them) and cleaned the rocks over night basically. They are rather white and I mentioned this to the person I bought them from and he just told me its because it was without light in the tub. live and learn.

the sea chem thing is supposed to be bacteria so shouldnt I continue to add it at least for the cycle (4 more days)?

Should i remove the bag of chemipure?
appreciate the feedback!

the rocks were growing algae at one point but the mexican turbo snails went to work (have 5 of them) and cleaned the rocks over night basically. They are rather white and I mentioned this to the person I bought them from and he just told me its because it was without light in the tub. live and learn.

the sea chem thing is supposed to be bacteria so shouldnt I continue to add it at least for the cycle (4 more days)?

Should i remove the bag of chemipure?

Its true the rocks are white when cured in a tub. Don't worry about that. That's how mine were. It takes several months for them to color up. That said, after a month, I would expect at least some form of crap on them, LOL!
Here's a pic of my rock shortly after putting in was bone white!

John (Thunda) seems to be spoutin the best wisdom on here, listen to him!:fun4:
I agree with Rovster, Blackthunda's advise is spot on. Sit back, Chill, and do nothing for a month it will all fall into place with time.
they sell something for everything in this hobby its just better to wait it out I wouldnt even do water changes right now let the bacteria do the work for you just my opinion
What favia? I don't know what your talking about.
This one Viejo!

Looks great John, I think I counted like 18+ heads this weekend! Yup, growing well and healed VERY nicely. Thanks again! And thanks to E as well, although his taste in beer is rather disappointing ;)
Looking REALLY good! Been a while coming, but looks like it was worth it! lol

LOL, yup! Eric was over the other day and was 'mirin it, saying I got a good deal and all ;) I'll try and get a better pic this weekend. What were we talking about again?....oh yeah, bacteria:wave: