small maxima success


Premium Member
what kind of success are you guys having with the small 1.5 inch maximas that are all over the market right now? I want to get some but I wonder if they are a bit touchy. I have plenty of light, 570 watts of vho and halide over a 90, and use DT's twice per week. Other clams and corals are doing fine. Thanks.
IME, I have had good luck with those babies. I do however take them out every few day and feed them.

I know with your fish waste and other planton you most likely do not have too. I like to as it only take a few minutes. Sure can't hurt :)

Like Barry I am having great success keeeping these little guys alive. I currently have 100 one inches. I feed them DTs (which IMO is the BEST!). With little guys like this light is not as important as feeding. I know Hammer is going to experiment with some of these that I have with different type of MH lighting.
Re: small maxima success

wakesetter said:
and use DT's twice per week.

Twice per week!? I'm dosing on a daily basis...1oz of concentrate per day in a 120g system. You really want to ramp up to twice the directed dose for your system.

I feel that intoducing other food to the tank in most cases is find and the waste products of the fish also feed the clams.

Over feeding can also unbalance the tank according to Daniels book.

Haven't lost a small clam ( 1" to 2") in the past 7 months. If it's not broken, why fix it. :) IMO and IME

This is true. However I don't believe you can over feed living phytoplankton. What doesn't get eaten will help to consume nutrients in the water. The double dosage is recommended by Rob Toonen in a recent study. It is costly though (relatively speaking), but worth the effort in my opinion.

Hello. Did you slowly work up to 1 oz aday in your 120 gallon or did you start right off the bat? And if you worked you way up did you notice a change?
Hi Jim,
I started with 1 oz every three days and slowly worked up to every day, over the course of a few weeks. I didn't notice much difference in the clams (althought new shell growth is evident), but there is certainly a lot of hungry `pods to feed!
I'm now feeding 1.5 "heaping" ounces per day to my 225 gal. The clams seem to love it and the tank has never seen so many "critters" :smokin:
Hi all, Jim, Barry.
I'm up to two caps a day in my system(46gal,display / 30breeder,filter / 30long sump) without a skimmer. The baby maxes I posted about a couple of weeks ago are doing great, so is everything else it the display (damb red bugs are happy too).
