smallest tank to house a mantis


New member
a would like to hook up a small tank to my sump to house a mantis shrimp.

nothing but a few pieces of rock and sand. basically a refugium for a shrimp.

anyways... i've hears "stories" of these little critter smashing glass... is this true?

do i need thick glass or can i use this 20 gallon tank in my cellar?
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Glass smashing only occurs if the shrimp actually has something to smash at, in most cases this is very rare. My mantis reef is a 10 gallon and I have no problems. Hope this helps.
Somewhere in the archives of this forum are several discussions on this. The bottom line is that unless you have a 5+ inch O. scyllarus , a 20 gal glass tank will be sufficient 99.9 % of the time.
