Snorkeling Trip


Premium Member
If anyone is up for it I am going out snorkeling (maybe diving) this weekend at Junkyard. There will be an opportunity to collect a lot of coral. Not sure about the day and time yet, we will see what works for everyone.
Hey, where is Junkyard? I dont SCUBA but I do snorkel and I would likt to come out and try to catch some fish and/or a cleanup crew. I'll see you on Wednesday BTW!
I tried to call you all night last night, I got called back to work on my way over...sorry. I would still like the fish this weekend sometime but if you have to get rid of him for the sake of your coral I understand.
Man you guys are lucky, we are land locked here in Colorado........ I'm trying to imagine living in Japan, must be pretty cool.
The weather has been crappy so I have not been heading out. It is actually nice today and I might give it a try. I am looking forward to summer again!