New member
I recently moved(same city), I had a 75g w/dsb 2 Seio 820's mixed reef, never any problems w/diatoms except when I first began. I purchased a new 90g switched over to bb, purchased 2 Tunze 6060's(double the flow) and looking at the Vortechs. Diatoms everywhere now, I lost 1 emerald crab during the move and that's it. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are undetectable calcium is at 420ppm. I run dual 32w actintics 12 hours daily and dual 250w 10000k halides 7 hours daily. I use NSW for water changes, and have done 2 (20g each)since moving the tank Feb. 27th with another scheduled Sat. Help me out here please, what am I missing