New member
I was just talking to Bocaswim, she asked how my algal problem was coming along and mentioned that she had to clean her glass twice a day. I said 'TWICE A DAY!' :eek1::eek2:How do you manage??? She then sounded puzzled with a 'what's the big deal' kinda silence. Well, long story short, my aquarium is 24" high, my canopy is 12" high... I stand on my step ladder and with my hair in the tank can barely reach the bottom of the sides of the glass to scrape the algae off!!!:furious: Long story shorter....
:idea:Why didn't anyone tell me about algae magnets??? OMG, I am going out on Friday to find myself one. Die algae, die!!! :blown:This is how she manages twice daily glass cleanings!!!
So, I ask you, what other secrets are you hiding from me??? Any small things that are seemingly simple, but I may not know about that could help me out with this???
:idea:Why didn't anyone tell me about algae magnets??? OMG, I am going out on Friday to find myself one. Die algae, die!!! :blown:This is how she manages twice daily glass cleanings!!!
So, I ask you, what other secrets are you hiding from me??? Any small things that are seemingly simple, but I may not know about that could help me out with this???