So, What other secrets are you all hiding from me???


New member
I was just talking to Bocaswim, she asked how my algal problem was coming along and mentioned that she had to clean her glass twice a day. I said 'TWICE A DAY!' :eek1::eek2:How do you manage??? She then sounded puzzled with a 'what's the big deal' kinda silence. Well, long story short, my aquarium is 24" high, my canopy is 12" high... I stand on my step ladder and with my hair in the tank can barely reach the bottom of the sides of the glass to scrape the algae off!!!:furious: Long story shorter....

:idea:Why didn't anyone tell me about algae magnets??? OMG, I am going out on Friday to find myself one. Die algae, die!!! :blown:This is how she manages twice daily glass cleanings!!!

So, I ask you, what other secrets are you hiding from me??? Any small things that are seemingly simple, but I may not know about that could help me out with this???
Use a string to tie both halves having to be a contortionist to retrieve the half that winds up under a rock you cant get to.
Bocaswim says they sell floating ones now, so you don't have to contort yourself anymore:D Thanks for the reply.

More secrets, come on you stingy reefers, pass on the knowledge, lol!!!

Turkey Baster!!!!:D
If you don't already use one, get a clean new TB; Jack of All Reef Tools! Blows detritus off rocks; sucks up unwanted "stuff"; use it to target feed corals; and the list goes on.
1. Store your Golden Pearls in a fully sealable salt and pepper shaker.

2. Start your siphons by placing the submerged end of the hose in front of a powerhead.

3. Want to vacuum the tank without having to do a water change?? Just get some 3/8" flex tubing....or whatever size you want and put a fine mesh bag on the end of it and rubberband/tie it on. Then stick the end w/ the bag into your sump. Start the siphon as mentioned above and vacuum away! The bag will filter all deitritus/flatworms/valonia/whatever and let the water pass right thru.
Mr Sandman, What are golden pearls (I ask in my tell me a bedtime story voice, he he).

This is great!! Wow, all the things I am missing, keep 'em comin'!! No secret to precious:D


Angela you have discovered alot of things in the early stages that many of us learned by trial and error before the Web. So many little tricks of the trade are overlooked and people assume you must already know about this or that.

I can't believe you struggled with a 36" stretch down to the bottom of the tank. Your just a smidge over 5' yourself:D Your algae problem will seems alot less frustrating when you can at least see into your tank clearly.

Keep up the good work!
Great thread Newreeflady this is good stuff. I'm sick of swallowing water starting siphons - no more! I'd never have thought of just using a powerhead. More little tips!
I can't believe you struggled with a 36" stretch down to the bottom of the tank. Your just a smidge over 5' yourself

Hey, rub it in why don't cha?? lol!!!!!

Flame*Angel, I agree... it was Bocaswim's idea, really, she was completely surprised that I didn't know what an algae magnet was and suggested I get more little tips on here.. Thanks Bocaswim!! I know, that thing with the powerhead is good stuff, I never even thought....

Keep it up guys, this is getting good!!
Newreeflady said:
Mr Sandman, What are golden pearls (I ask in my tell me a bedtime story voice, he he).

This is great!! Wow, all the things I am missing, keep 'em comin'!! No secret to precious:D


ROFL! Shall i bring you a dream as well? :P
Golden Pearls are a fine powdery high in protein food that many reefers feed their corals. You can find them at Or just do a search on here and you'll find TONS of information.

One more tip that i'm sure many of you know about.....use an old credit card to remove that hard crusty coralline algae or diatoms.

Use a medical eyedropper to target feed your corals.

Another thing is that when i'm around my tank doing things, i always find a need for a cup to transfer water, to hold critters, feed, etc. Next time you're in Vegas or somewhere that has alot of slot machines......they will usually have a huge stack of cups where you can hold your coins. If you look hard enough you'll find some brand new ones. Just use those for your fishtank cups. Consider it as a way to get some of your money back that you just lost. :D Suggestion....don't use the used cups, or if you do decide to use the used cups, give it one heck of a cleaning soaked in bleach to rid it of any contaminants.

Hmmm...what else?
lol!! seriously laughing out loud! You've brought me plenty, Mr Sandman, your tips are gold!! Awesome on the golden pearls, that is a great idea since I assume the container they come in has a twist cap and pours out... I have no corals.. yet, but I will make note of that one. Credit Card, hmm, never thought of that... and i've been giving my friends kids my expired cards :o

to add to MrSandmans suggestion of siphoning without doing a waterchange, use an old nylon as netting at the end of the hose. That and their good to fill a carbon sack to throw in the sump occasionally.
Take that turkey baster to the hardware store and get a piece of flex tubing about 18" that will fit snugly over the end, then you can reach it into most of the tank without getting your hands wet.

While your there get a 6' piece of 5/8 flex tubing. It'll fit over a maxijet if you need to pump water into your system, and siphons water just as well as a gravel vac.

Two shish ka bob sticks with the thick ends slid into a piece of airline tubing makes a fine feeding stick.

Arm &Hammer baking soda 6 parts + Arm & Hammer washing soda 1 part = DIY buffer 1 tsp/25 gal raises DKH 1 point.

Pickling lime is the same thing as kalk powder, but a lot cheaper.

Eggcrate and pvc are the reefer equivalent of duct tape :D.

More Ideas here,

for water changes i use a python, hooks up to a faucet, turn the faucet on, starts a siphon. great for freshwater tanks, but still works on saltwater.

Use cheap plastic tongs or plastic salad tongs for picking up things from the bottom of the tank.

Use shoulder length aquarium gloves when moving rocks to avoid Bristleworm stings.

If you do get "Bristlewormed", keep some Elmers School Glue on hand.....spread it on the stuck bristles; peel it off when dry and Bristles will come with it.

New chop sticks (still in the paper wrapper) make good sticks for poking around in the tank or turning over snails.

Flashlight with red lens lets you look at the night critters in the tank with all the lights out without spooking the fish.

There's a million of 'em....
all of these tips are awesome!!! Thanks to all for contributing. Please, jump in and add on if you have even the slightest tip that someone might not have thought of, this is a great thread!! Once all has been said and done i'm gonna print this out, compile, and frame it.

take a little frozen shrimp, mussels, clams, nori, those golden pearls, etc and dump them into the blender, and chop'em into fish-bite size pieces. Then, take a section (say 8" x 8") of that ever useful eggcrate and smear the mixture down into the little squares. Wrap with plastic wrap and place in freezer. Then use one of those chopsticks to push the little frozen squares into a bag, dust with a little bit of that baking soda to keep from sticking, and you have home-made fish food!

Oh, and another thing....;)
Those little plastic cups that come on top of bottles of Nyquil; cough syrups; Pepto-Bismol, etc., that nobody ever uses, make great containers for cubes of frozen fish food, or to soak food portions in Selcon. That's what I use.:D