Some Zoos for trade... (pics)


Active member
I have a big colony of purple zoos I was thinking of fragging up as well as 2 small frags of Fire and Ice that fell off my bigger colony while I was attaching to a rock.

I would like to trade for some morphs that I don't have of either zoanthids or rics. If you have something else in mind, let me know and I'll see what I think.

I haven't fragged the purples yet so the size can vary depending upon what ya got/want.

I live in Rancho Santa Margarita.

Here are some pics:



Fires (1 on each side of the bubblegum frag):

Sure, which kind did ya want? I'll sell for $10 a frag (the purple frag would be about the same size as the 2 fire and ices). If ya want a bigger purple we can talk.
Intrested in buying a purple and a fire and ICe. Please PM me if still available, can come pick up evenings or almost anytime Wednesday or Thursday.

They look great!
Pledo: I'll hold one of each for ya. I will prob have to wait until Thursday evening or possibly Friday. I'll let ya know sometime during the day on Thursday.
I ditched class tonight... I will around up until 12am if anyone wants to snag a frag.

Still holding 1 of each for Pledo


J-Ropp: Shipping is going to be kinda rough. I'd have to wait until after April 17th before I have time during the day.
what part of orange co. are you? I might make a late night trip if you are close... Im in Irvine

Sure thing, you want to buy or trade? Let me know what ya want so I can frag it.

I'll send a PM with address once you confirm.
Hey all,

I'll be around tonight so if some of you peeps that were interested wanna cruise over let me know.