Someone have a wet band saw...


New member
I was contacted by someone that has what I believe is a wet band saw? I deleted the email by mistake.
I am thinking of making some acan frags...
If someone has a small portable band saw let me know, maybe we could work something out.

Hey Mel I'm not much of a fragger but my dremmel with the diamond rotary tool does a great job of fragging just about everything.
off course u know u can have it anytime.
Thansk Gasman...
I have a dremel too with a Daimond rotary blade.
You think that fragging an acan would be just fine with the dremel. I guess I would just need it to retracted all the soft
fleshy parts before cutting right?
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a dremel will work fine if the base rock is thin enough, if the base is real thick a band saw works better.