This might work because the propeller is smaller than the 6100 propeller. The primary problem is the electronics have an alarm feature that is set to a higher threshold, in general the driver has more power to prevent the added resistance of the prop from sounding the alarm, it also resets the controllers to work within a range that is 40% - 110% so to speak over the standard drivers range of 30% - 100% you will have less power and some problems with alarms and noise in the low range. I am very hesitant to recommend this as it could damage the electronics if it is not a perfect match, only a watt meter as well as a three step alarm calibration can accurately tell that the assembly is correct. I have not yet been trained in calibrating 6100 series drivers, I do know though that it is a slightly different system then a 7400. In all likelyhood by the time parts outside of basic props and drive units are available though I will have completed training on this board and will be able to help you do this. Even so the calibrations do require some custom tools and some knowledge and if it can be done I am willing to do it for a nominal fee, probably $20 seeing as it takes about 1hr, I would suggest however waiting until I have a conclusive answer and some more experience in this matter. If you feel compelled to experiment just don't do it when you will be away for an extended time, I am unsure what the result will be as you are using a 40mm prop instead of the 42mm prop and perhaps this will lower the resistance to a tolerable range for the issued driver.