Spearing mantis + Toby Puffer = Certain Death?


New member
I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this query already, but I figured I'd throw it out there anyway. I have a spearing mantis (P. ciliata) who's about 3.5 inches long, that has been living peacefully with a blue damsel for over a year now. No problems with tank mates being confused for food. There's a leopard toby puffer that's about the same size as my damsel at my LFS that I would love to get, but I really don't think a puffer of the sharpnose variety, or ay puffer for that matter, would get along with an invert. The mantis would be quite a bit bigger than the puffer of course, but I don't want her getting nipped to death by a puffer. The puffer has been at the LFS for months and is extremely docile, but then again, it's never had a tasty mantis shrimp to chew on. The damsel would go in another tank.

So, I'm guessing the recommendation is NO. But please let me know if anyone has had experience with this kind of pairing, that did or did not end in disaster. Thanks!
I haven't heard of this combo and have not tried it myself. I personally wouldn't try it... then again until people started keeping damsels and the like with mantis, the general advice was that the fish would automatically end up dead. The difference is that with this combo either or both could end up dead.
I would think twice with a P. ciliata. Even if they did coexist, I'm guessing that your mantis would be a lot less active.