sponge crabs sponge fell off


New member
i got a sponge crab for my 12 gallon nano cube tank...its an all invert tank with a pistol shrimp, and arrow crab, and emrald crab and a tarantula decorator crab, anyways....i noticed today when i got home that the sponge crabs sponge had fallen off his back and i was wondering if this means something is wrong? any info would be great...also what do these guys eat? my lfs said the algea should be fine but im thinking of dropping in like a cocktail shrimp or some krill or something for the guy to eat..thank you
I don't know what kind of crab you have, but both animals might do well enough without being attached. The sponge is probably much more picky than the crab.

I wouldn't use cocktail shrimp to feed animals since it's not the whole animal. Most crabs aren't picky, and should eat a wide variety of fish foods.