The other day I noticed an almost perfect white circle shaped spot under one of the fins on my Blue Hippo Tang. Do anyone of you know if this is trouble or not?
I had a single white spot appear on a small yellow tang that I bought recently. It appeared about 3 days after I placed it in my tank. The single spot grew over the next week to about the size of a dull pencil lead. It was not ick it looked like a grain of sugar. I know it sounds crazy but my LFS owner (I did not buy it there) told me to remove the tang and cut the growth off of the rear fin with scissors or a blade. I did this 4 days ago and the growth did not come back and the fin is almost healed. Now I am not recommending that you do that just sharing my experience.
That is really interesting, Wow! Even if I wanted to take a stab (no pun intened) at Tang surgery and I don't. I would have to cut his side fin off to get the spot off.
just wait a little longer because it could be a little bit of harmless (lymphosistus) which is a type of fungal disorder that there is no cure for nor does it spread from fish to fish but will simply work its coarse and the fishes natural immune system will rid it of it in time. Though it is mostly common among angel and butterfly fish, tangs are also at risk so i hope this helps out with your decision!
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