SPS wonderings


Premium Member
I am gaining more and more SPS and like to plan my reefscape before making purchases. So far, I have been able to space them apart enough to give ample room for light, flow and growth. So as I run out of room and knowing that some WILL touch,

What can't or shouldn't touch as far as SPS goes? I know digi and digi is alright, and acro with acro but what about mixes and matches? What different varietals can touch in these high density reefs I see?

I have a garden reef with zones for SPS and non, (yeah I know not the easiest), but I remember reading zoas and star polyps will not harm SPS and I am planning on using them as a buffer. True? I know that they can spread like wildfire and don't want to have to worry about them

At least until I catch the total SPS disease and clear out everything else, which I see happening, I want to have my cake and eat it too for the time being- Thanks, Doug

Oh yeah I know Sacramentodots is a mouthfull/handfull to type, and dots is just fine. Its a contraction of my name and came up with it before I new about MARS, figured I would be talking more with people in Ohio or something like that. Figure that its easier for you guys to type....



1. Two different acros touching will burn each other. Not 100% of the time, but often enough that I would give things room to grow.
2. Zoas and star polyps will hurt other stoney corals that they come in contact with. They will both kill the flesh on SPS and grow right on the skeleton.

Things that Ive witnessed personally that dont mix:

Purple tip or tan cant remember M.Digitata pwned my green capnella

Green M.Digi burnt a patch of my orange M.Foliosa(cap)

Echinophyllia burnt the crap out of my Mycedium

Basically if your gonna run a tight patch youd have better chances mixing morphs of the same species,but even that can be a crap shoot with some kinds.

On a side note,photography can play tricks on the eye as well. With a lot of these shots you see a top crest thick in sps. But with a straight on angle youd see that there spaced out pretty good.Ive seen that more often that not.

Thanks guys, since those pix ive added two seio's and moved the zoa rock to the center. Since they havn't spread much a year since I've had em, a little as a buffer for that anenome, which is twice as big strecched out, is what really scares me, is contained I think I am set for now.......