squamosa fell again !!


New member
last night my Squamosa fell from its perch. this is the second time it has fallen. This time it stayed put for 3 weeks. It landed lower in the rock and is upright and extended. Should I leave it be, put it in the sand, or replace in original position. Will glueing be an option with a clam.
I agree with Brian.The reason it fell is that your clam probably wasn't happy in the location you've chosen for it(it hapens;) ) and used its foot to push off. I would leave it be if it's upright and fully open. It will attach if it has contact with hard substrate and,if its happy in this spot. Never glue a clam to anything,wedge it anywhere or otherwise force it to stay someplace its not happy with.
How deep is you tank? What lighting are you using?

FWIW- I have a 75 gallon and run 2-175's & 2-110vho's and keep my squamosa on the SB. I have had him for 3 years and he has grown to over 3 times the original size. I at one time( 2 years ago or so ) tried putting him up on the rocks and 2 times he pushed himself off, so I finally left him on the sand.