Squamosa placement question.

Mushroom Boy

Premium Member
I got a small T. squamosa this weekend and have a question regarding its placement. I understand that they prefer to be on the sandbed. My question is whether or not to bury a piece of rock under the sand where the clam is positioned. Do they "like" to grab a hold of something under the sand, or just like sitting in the bed itself. The clam is ~1.5". Thanks!
I would put a rock just under the sandbed and set your clam over it. This way if it decides to attach then you have a way for it to be brought up and fed. I hope you are feeding a clam that small...

Yes, the sand bed is the best place for this clam and should be protected as much as possable from possable predators (some shrimp, crabs, etc.). You may also want to consider a Six Line Wrasse to place in there as well.
Thanks for the info GH! I'll put a small rock under him tonight. Yes, I will be feeding the clam (and have already). I'm using Tahitian blend.
I have 2 Squamosas on the sandbed of one of my tanks and found that they just put out bysal threads into the sand like a plant taking root. They seem pretty happy this way but I have found that both tend to turn themselves to face the window (presumably to increase the amount of light they recieve) and in the process push themselves against the glass which is a bit annoying but not a problem.
Hey sniper I was curious why you recomend a six line wrasse to be added to the tank do they help Squamosas or was it for this individuals setup.

The 6-line wrasse,leopard wrasse,and Red Sea psuedochromis sp.help to keep predators of Tridacna clams under control.I keep my large T.squamosa directly on the sandbed.I have never target "fed" any clams I have maintained-I would just keep the predators in check, and irritating encrusting corals away as well!
Wow Gary, that is a BEAUTY of a clam! Noah, I believe as well that sniper was referring to the parasitic snails that can sometimes cause problems with clams. So far, I haven't seen any but am keeping a close eye out.
GREAT picture! That clam sure looks happy there. What is your fish load? That clam is a ammomium intake machine. The fish look like they are doing their job. I like the wrasses great shot! I sure would like to see afew more pictures.
Jim, You guessed it ! HEAVY fish load is present in my 220. I have a difficult time trying to cause red slime.I DUMP food,and the skimmer is only a 24" Lifereef venturi.Got Anthias too-that means MULTIPLE feedings each day! Tridacna heaven! I'm gonna connect with you for some great clams in the future,as I know you have some BEAUTIES down there in the southlands! Thanks, Gary {BTW- Check out my webpage!}